Are escorts prostitutes?
Our escorts are not prostitutes, nor do they associate with any type of prostitution. We are a companionship agency and all of our escorts are paid for their time NOT sexual services. If you have any doubts you can refer to our legal and compliance section. We expect all our escorts to use their own prerogative if they choose to engage in any sexual activity with their client. There may well be expectations when booking any of our escorts. However it is up to the escort to decide what they are willing to do with their client.
In the United Kingdom, any single person or agency controlling people to prostitute is illegal. This means any individual person who is forced and/or coerced into the act of prostitution is being illegally trafficked. Any person/agency who is responsible for controlling and coercion of people into prostitution would be breaking the law. This type of behaviour is mainly organised by “pimps” or “madams” these type of people are usually involved in human trafficking. At Chelsea Companions, we are very aware of this.
In the escort industry we are very aware of these types of people and we are very grateful that they never if not rarely cross paths with us. If we have any suspicion that any of our escorts are being coerced, forced into any kind of trafficking we remain vigilant and will have safeguard. We will in any circumstances make sure the safety of the people we represent is prioritised and we will report any peculiar or suspicious activities to the right authorities and organisations to help protect those individuals and we would immediately cease to represent the escorts who have been forced into human trafficking.
What do I expect in the booking?
You can firstly expect to be absolutely wowed and blown away. However, before that we expect our client’s to maintain cleanliness and shower no more than one hour before the booking. You can be invited to visit one of our escorts in luxury accommodation. Or they can visit you on an outcall which 35% of the cost of the booking must be paid upfront. All our escorts will be punctual. You will have a great date experience and will also enjoy the time that you spend together.
If you have any special requests please let the booking manager know beforehand so they can make any arrangements for you.
Are the photos real?
Yes! All of our escorts have had recently updated photos. What you see is what you get, you will not be disappointed and if you are, you can cancel the booking from up to 5 minutes after it commenting and your money will be returned.
The photos are exclusive and have been taken in our exclusive London studio and by our exclusive London photographer.
How do I manage payments?
You can pay for OnlyFans and exclusive content on our website. Booking payments are cash or bank transfers only. For any outcalls, a deposit of 35% must be paid to the agency. If you would like an incall deposits are only required of 35% if the escort you would like to visit is extremely busy to ensure that they do not miss out on other clients who would like to visit.